Become a member and enjoy the Miz Mooz reward program

Join our Miz Mooz Rewards Program to earn points when you shop, subscribe to our newsletter, make an new account....! It’s free to join, and you can redeem your points for discounts on new shoes!

Plus, members get extra perks- the more you shop the more you earn!

Become a member now for free through the below button and get 250 points immediately!

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How can you earn Miz Mooz loyalty points?

Aankopen van artikels

+ 5 points

(for each 1€ purchase)

Aanmaken Miz Mooz account

+ 250 points

(on account creation)

Abonneren op de Miz Mooz nieuwsbrief

+ 250 points

(on newsletter subscription)

How can you redeem Miz Mooz loyalty points?

€ 10


1000 point

€ 15


1500 point

€ 20


2000 point

€ 50


5000 point

Join for free and earn points

Do you still have questions about our Miz Mooz loyalty points system?